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My Routine as a Working Mom with Two Kids and a Chronic Condition

Living Well

May 08, 2024

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Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

by Joni Kazantzis


Medically Reviewed by:

Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI


by Joni Kazantzis


Medically Reviewed by:

Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI


Here’s what a typical day looks like for your Bezzy Psoriasis Community Guide, Joni. Get a peek at how she manages her condition, job, family, and self-care.

As a busy mom with two vibrant daughters, my days are a whirlwind of responsibilities, some to myself and some to my family.

Living with psoriasis adds some extra layers and time to my day to ensure I take care of my symptoms and overall health.

My skin care routine is important to ensure I stay as comfortable as I can during the end of the winter months. Let’s take a closer look at a typical day in my life.

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Rise and shine with exercise

Four times a week, I start my day with an exercise class at my local studio for some heart-pumping high intensity interval training (HITT).

Stress is my top trigger for a psoriasis flare, so managing stress is important for me.

The sweaty workout helps me manage my stress levels and stay healthy, while also leaving me feeling empowered and ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

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Fueling up and prepping for the day

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

Back home, it’s time to ensure my daughters are well prepared for their day.

Before I wake them up, I pack their lunches, snacks, and water bottles for the day.

Their choices for lunch at school aren’t as nutritious as they should be, so packing their food ensures they have healthy fuel for learning and playing.

A moment for self-care

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

Once the girls are off to catch the school bus, I eat breakfast.

One of my personal daily nutrition goals is to eat enough protein, so today I opted for Greek yogurt with a scoop of peanut butter, chia seeds, blueberries, and banana.

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

I follow breakfast with my personal morning routine, which includes skin care and getting dressed.

For me, a touch of makeup adds a boost of confidence, setting the stage for a day of remote working and virtual advocacy.

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Remote work and community connection

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

My home office is where I spend most of the rest of the day, working on my laptop and taking virtual calls.

Beyond managing my daily tasks, I dedicate time to engaging with the Bezzy Psoriasis forums, offering support, sharing experiences, and fostering a sense of community among those navigating the challenges of psoriasis.

I also work in an e-commerce advertising agency, so everything is done remotely and at my pace.

Lunch break and a midday pick-me-up

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

In the early afternoon, I take a break for lunch, with another high protein meal and a revitalizing afternoon coffee.

If the weather agrees, I’ll also take a 30-minute walk around the neighborhood with my husband, Mike.

This moment of reprieve fuels me for the afternoon ahead, ensuring I’m at my best for both my family and the psoriasis community.

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Mom taxi service and quality time

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

After picking up the girls from after-care, my role transforms back into mom mode, prepping for dinner and after-school activities.

From cheer practices to coaching lacrosse teams, my afternoons are full of driving, laughter, and rushing to the next thing.

These moments, though chaotic, are precious — and passing by too quickly — so we take time to savor this time with them.

Advocacy in action

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

Evenings on Monday through Thursday bring with them a special commitment — hosting the Bezzy Psoriasis Live Chat at 8:30 p.m. ET.

It’s a chance to connect with the community in real-time, addressing concerns, sharing updates, and fostering a sense of camaraderie among those dealing with psoriasis.

I love having the chance to connect daily with the community and end the day with a positive activity.

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Unwinding and a good night’s sleep

Photography courtesy of Joni Kazantzis

After the live chat, it’s time to wind down for the night.

Whether it’s catching up on a book, enjoying a favorite TV show with my husband, or simply relishing a few quiet moments to meditate, this time is crucial for recharging and catching my breath from the day!

I also take time to do my evening skin care and slather on a thick layer of moisturizer on my whole body.

A good night’s sleep is nonnegotiable, ensuring I wake up ready to tackle the challenges of a new day.

The takeaway

Juggling the demands of family, a career, and patient advocacy can be chaotic, but I wouldn’t change a thing!

Every day, I get to do things that I enjoy and am passionate about, and I get to spend time with the people I love the most.

Each day brings a mix of activities, from exercise classes and Girl Scout meetings to virtual forums and client meetings, all woven together by the common thread of empathy and a commitment to supporting those facing the challenges of psoriasis.

Medically reviewed on May 08, 2024

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About the author

Joni Kazantzis

Joni Kazantzis is the creator and blogger for, an award-winning psoriasis blog dedicated to creating awareness, educating about the disease, and sharing personal stories of her 19+ year journey with psoriasis. Her mission is to create a sense of community and to share information that can help her readers cope with the day-to-day challenges of living with psoriasis. She believes that with as much information as possible, people with psoriasis can be empowered to live their best life and make the right treatment choices.

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